Tag Archives: fight

Her War

My daughter is a soldier. Every day, she fights a war. Her enemy is cancer and it is trying to take her life. It is relentless and cruel. It is evil. But she is a brave soldier. She knows what she has to do. She knows that she has to fight it. At just three …

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Childhood Cancer

We are in the thick of it. We are surrounded by sick and sometimes dying children. That may sound harsh and some will dislike that I wrote it. But I have to be honest. In this world, that is exactly what you see. It is terrible to see anyone suffer. It is so much worse …

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It Will Not Change Me

Sometimes I allow myself to feel like a victim. Sometimes, it’s all I know how to do. I ask, why me? Why my family? Why my baby? I tell myself that it just isn’t fair. It’s not right. Why should she suffer when others don’t have to? Why is this happening to her? I allow …

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Last night I fought. I really, really fought. It was a violent, physical fight. I pushed, kicked, punched, and scratched. I did not stop. I was in a frenzy. The whole time though, I could not see my enemy. I still don’t know who or what it was. When I woke up, the adrenaline was …

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They Deserve More

I find it so hard to believe that this is all we have. Drugs that can be more dangerous than the cancer itself. Is it possible that there is not another way? Is there really no alternative to this? As we sign the consent forms for this round of treatment, I try to avoid the …

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Dear Maya, Just 3 years ago, I held you in my arms for the very first time. On that day, I knew that I had been blessed with a precious gift. I also knew that, along with this gift, came a huge responsibility. As I held you that very first time, I prayed that I …

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My Hero

I saw this posted on Facebook the other day. First it made me cry. Then it made me smile. I am completely in love with this message. It is, without a doubt, one hundred percent true. True for me and for all the other parents of children who are fighting. It is terrible to watch …

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Fighting Cancer

As times goes on, I see my perspective changing little by little. I wonder if I am moving beyond sadness and preparing to fight this illness. I’m beginning to feel angry and that is probably a good thing. Frankly, I find people who constantly feel sorry for themselves annoying. I realize that’s exactly how I’ve …

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Today, just for a few minutes, I forgot that Maya has cancer. I had just put the kids to bed and was cleaning up in the kitchen. While cleaning, I was thinking about all the things I needed to get done. I thought about the laundry in the dryer and the toys on the living …

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I should be sleeping while the kids are. God knows Maya will probably be up soon (and again multiple times throughout the night). I just can’t seem to turn my brain off tonight. I keep imagining all the possibilities of the different things we might hear tomorrow. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter what …

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