Her War

My daughter is a soldier. Every day, she fights a war. Her enemy is cancer and it is trying to take her life. It is relentless and cruel. It is evil.

But she is a brave soldier. She knows what she has to do. She knows that she has to fight it. At just three years old, she understands what that means and she perseveres.

Day after day she is in the trenches. With each procedure, each needle poke, and each new round of chemo complete, she is closer to victory. Each day she is here, each day cancer has not won, is another victory for her.

The beginning was difficult. She was so fearful and she cried so much. After all, she was not ready for this. She could not possibly have been prepared for this battle. Her childish mind had no idea what it meant to be at war. She had never seen evil before cancer entered her body. She didn’t even know that it existed.

Today, things are very different. She knows all too well that it exists. She is always ready to do what she has to do to beat it and she proves it day after day.

I know you might be thinking that a three year old couldn’t possibly understand this. But I assure you that she does. She knows.

She marches into the cancer center each day. She is not happy to be there but she accepts it. She never complains and she no longer cries.

I watch her while we are there. I see that as we sit and wait, she becomes uncomfortable. I see that the fear slowly starts to creep in. But then I see a change in her. I see the exact moment when she tells herself, “I will not let it see my fear today. Today, I will be strong. Today, I will win”. I see the physical changes that follow after she makes that very conscious decision. I see her body stiffen a little. I see that the look on her face becomes so serious and then, so fierce. I see that, in that moment, she is fighting. In that moment, she is beating it.

Yes, I wish it wasn’t so. I wish she did not have to fight. I wish she did not have to understand any of this. I would have wanted her to remain innocent and naive forever. This is the hand she was dealt though. I don’t know why but it doesn’t matter.

I know that, because of cancer, she has wisdom in her that surpasses that of most adults. I know that her spirit is not broken. I know that her strength only continues to grow. I know that the day will come when she will be victorious. I know that she will be a better person because of her experience.


  1. Deb Bolton

    Maya, you, and your family inspire me.

    • Rosemarie Clapso

      i read all of your information, and as Deb Bolten stated, you Maya and your family inspire me. I woke up today not feeling myself, and I though if that brave and awesome girl can get through her day with dignity, grace and optimisim, who am I to complain. God will envelope your beautiful Maya in His arms and help to fight this horrible disease and come out on top!!!! You and Jim are awesome parents and Julien are wo blessed to have each other. You to will come out on top of this and be better for it. please keep your faith close to your heart, and reach out when you need to to the people who love you all so much.

  2. Lora

    I am so very proud of your precious Maya!! I don’t what the Lord has in store for her but I do know that it is Kingdom worthy. She is strong in the Lord and will not ever waiver because she has had to trust in HIM and pull her strength from the depths of her being the place were the Holy Spirit resides. She is a winning, a fortress, a strong tower. The Holy One of Isreal in camps around her and she will NOT be put to shame. I pray that our Lord would honor her fight, her will, her trust in HIM. In Jesus Name, AMEN!

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